Our Impact
Local Impact:
New Journey Clubhouse served 90+ members in 2020 who report 97% Satisfaction with Clubhouse Services.
New Journey Clubhouse is an Internationally Accredited Clubhouse and as such has been established as an Evidenced Based Practice by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
New Journey Clubhouse is Accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).
New Journey Clubhouse supports 20-30 members working or pursuing higher education in our community.
Clubhouse Impact:
A Worldwide Community Dedicated to Changing the World of Mental Health
FACT: Clubhouse International supports “Clubhouses” around the world where people living with mental illness can thrive.
FACT: Every day at Clubhouses around the world, people living with mental illness are reclaiming their futures as part of a supportive and recovery-focused community.
FACT: Mental illness is the #1 cause of disability worldwide—more than cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
FACT: There are 320+ Clubhouses in 34 Countries.
FACT: Fewer Hospital Stays occur as a result of membership in Clubhouse Programs.
FACT: Criminal justice system involvement is substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse membership.
FACT: Clubhouse is cost effective—one year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week psychiatric hospital stay.