
Job Objective

To obtain a part time position with your business that would allow individuals with mental illness to rejoin the work force in a highly supported fashion.

New Journey Clubhouse Employment Program Goal

The goal of the program is to help individuals suffering from mental illness to gain work experience, build confidence, establish current references and build their resume; thereby putting them in a stronger position to continue to recover through meaningful paid work opportunities.

Summary of Program Elements

  • New Journey is an Internationally Accredited Program with an emphasis on recovery
  • Seeking Part-Time Positions—generally 15-20 hours per week
  • Clubhouse Placement Managers learn all aspects of the job and are responsible to work with the employer to provide all initial and ongoing training to employee
  • The employer and the employee are highly supported by trained placement managers
  • Employees are paid at the prevailing wage rate by the employer and the Placement Manager can assist the employee through the personnel process
  • Expeditious Problem Solving
  • Placement usually last 6-9 months, then the New Journey Employee moves on to a new position and another employee is trained for the job by the Clubhouse Placement Manager—providing a seamless transition and no lapse in coverage for the employer

Benefits to the Employer

  • No gaps in productivity—Placement Managers guarantee absence coverage
  • Employer participation in the program demonstrates outstanding social responsibility without a heavy burden of time or resources
  • Potential tax benefit through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program


  • The International Clubhouse Model won the Hilton Humanitarian Prize in 2014. The humanitarian prize is given for organizations that substantially reduce human suffering.